#AskOurCEO : How to Apply Kaizen in the E-Commerce Industry #OsadaMethodKaizen

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, where change is the only constant, there's a secret ingredient that successful businesses use to stay ahead: Kaizen. Naoto Osada, CEO of Transcosmos Commerce, shares a comprehensive guide on how Kaizen can make your business strive. 

Imagine a business environment where every team member is empowered to innovate, where efficiency and quality are not just goals but daily practices, and adaptability is ingrained in the company's DNA. This isn't a utopian dream—it's the reality for businesses that embrace Kaizen methodology. 

Osada shares the secrets of applying Kaizen in the e-commerce industry, and discovers how it can drive unparalleled growth and excellence in your own business. Let's embark on this journey of continuous improvement together!

Understanding Kaizen

Kaizen, a term that translates to "change for the better," represents a philosophy in the business realm, particularly in manufacturing, emphasizing continuous, incremental improvement. This approach encourages team-based efforts to refine processes, services, and workflows, empowering every team member to suggest and implement improvements.

The Advantages of Kaizen in E-Commerce

You might wonder how Kaizen can enhance your e-commerce venture. Here are a few key benefits:

1. Increased Efficiency: The Kaizen methodology streamlines operations by systematically examining each process to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. This might involve reorganizing workflow, reducing steps in a production line, or automating certain tasks to minimize waste and optimize resources. For example, an e-commerce platform might implement Kaizen by refining its order fulfillment process, thereby reducing the time from order placement to shipment and cutting unnecessary costs associated with storage and handling.

2. Improved Quality: By focusing on continuous improvement, Kaizen leads to the development of superior products and services. This is achieved through regular feedback loops from customers, rigorous quality control standards, and a commitment to excellence in every aspect of the business. As a result, customer satisfaction soars, as they receive products that exceed their expectations. For instance, a clothing retailer might use Kaizen principles to enhance the quality of its garments, paying close attention to fabric, fit, and durability, thereby garnering positive reviews and repeat and loyal customers.

3. Employee Engagement: Since Kaizen concept is a bottom-up approach, it fosters a culture of collaboration and empowerment, where every employee, from the junior staff to the executive suite, is encouraged to suggest and implement improvements. This democratic approach boosts morale, as employees feel valued and know that their contributions can make a real difference.

4. Innovation: Encouraging a culture of innovative thinking, Kaizen facilitates proactive problem-solving. This is not just about solving existing problems but anticipating future challenges and coming up with creative solutions. For example, an e-commerce business might leverage Kaizen to develop a cutting-edge AI chatbot that improves customer service by predicting and addressing customer inquiries before they even arise, setting a new standard in user experience.

5. Adaptability: In the ever-changing landscape of e-commerce, the ability to quickly adapt to market trends, consumer behavior, and technological advancements is crucial. Kaizen enables businesses to remain agile and responsive, ensuring they can pivot strategies as needed. This adaptability is vital for maintaining a competitive edge. 

Core Principles of Kaizen

To effectively apply Kaizen in e-commerce, it's important to understand its foundational principles:

- Gemba (Go to the Source): This principle underscores the significance of experiencing and observing operations firsthand to identify improvement opportunities. A tangible example of this might be a CEO of an e-commerce company spending a day in the fulfillment center, observing the packing and shipping processes. By directly observing these operations, the CEO notices that the layout of the warehouse leads to unnecessary movement, delaying shipping times. Armed with this insight, they initiate a reorganization of the workspace to streamline the flow, thereby reducing the time packages spend in the warehouse.

- Continuous Improvement: This mindset involves relentlessly pursuing ways to enhance processes, regardless of their current performance. For instance, an online retailer might review its website's user interface regularly, even if it's already well-designed. By continuously gathering user feedback and analyzing data on how customers interact with their site, they might discover opportunities to further simplify the checkout process, making it faster and reducing cart abandonment rates.

- Standardization: Once a more effective method is discovered, it's crucial to standardize that process to ensure consistency and repeatability. A specific example could be an e-commerce business finding that a new software tool for managing customer inquiries significantly reduces response time and increases customer satisfaction. Recognizing these benefits, the company standardizes the use of this tool across all customer service teams, ensuring that every customer benefits from faster and more efficient service.

- Eliminating Waste: This principle focuses on identifying and removing unnecessary steps or resources in a process. An example might be an e-commerce business analyzing its product return process and finding that several steps in the verification of returned items are redundant, causing delays and increasing costs. By eliminating these redundant steps and optimizing the process, the company can reduce expenses and improve customer satisfaction by processing returns faster.

- Trusting People: Kaizen emphasizes the importance of empowering team members to identify and implement improvements. A practical illustration of this might be a company that implements a suggestion box system, allowing employees from all levels to submit ideas for operational improvements. One employee suggests a minor change in the inventory stocking method that significantly reduces the time needed to restock items, leading to quicker order fulfillment. By trusting and acting on this employee's suggestion, the company not only improves efficiency but also fosters a culture of involvement and innovation.

Implementing Kaizen in Your E-Commerce Strategy

Here's how we integrate Kaizen into our e-commerce operations:

1. Data-Driven Decisions: A concrete example of making data-driven decisions involves an e-commerce company that analyzes its website traffic and purchase data to identify patterns. We begin with factual insights, using data analytics to pinpoint improvement areas.

2. Kaizen Events: Host brainstorming events for teams to identify and implement enhancements. Our teams, for example, hold a Kaizen meeting each morning. During these daily Kaizen meetings, the team would be aware of what the issues are and how the initiative or solutions are made to tackle those issues to improve the situation. 

3. Feedback Loops: Implementing feedback loops can be exemplified by open feedback from employees, customers, and clients for further insights to make future improvement. 

4. Training and Education: Invest in educating your team about Kaizen principles. At Transcosmos Commerce, we offer a workshop called the University of Transcosmos Commerce (TCCM), where the CEO serves as the principal. Our goal is to make sure that I can empower more people and make new leaders so that they can continue to make a bigger impact for the company. 


At Transcosmos Commerce, Kaizen is not just a buzzword; it's a practical and effective philosophy for fostering continuous growth and excellence in e-commerce. By adopting a mindset of continual improvement, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, innovate, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

We've seen firsthand the transformative power of Kaizen. Before embracing this philosophy, we faced the same challenges many e-commerce businesses do: inefficiencies, inconsistent quality, and an inability to swiftly adapt to market changes. However, the adoption of Kaizen has revolutionized our operations. We've transitioned from a company struggling with these common hurdles to a dynamic leader in the e-commerce space, renowned for our efficiency, quality, and innovation. 

Our journey from where we were to where we are now is a testament to the incredible impact of Kaizen. It's not merely a methodology but a catalyst for sustained success and excellence. By embedding continuous improvement into our DNA, we've not only set new standards for ourselves but for the entire industry, proving that with Kaizen, the possibilities for growth and excellence are endless. 

Join us in this continuous journey of improvement and see the remarkable difference it can make in your business too. Boost efficiency, enhance product quality, and propel growth with the #OsadaMethodKaizen.

For further questions or to share experiences with Kaizen, watch the full video on our YouTube channel or click here

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Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read